Saturday, 21 December 2019


How can you improve your indoor air quality?

Plants are very important source of fresh air, big or small they all have same property to improve the air quality. Did you know our indoors are as polluted as our outdoors it may be strange but it's true? The activities we do at home or at work are using electronics, cooking, breathing, painting and other activities. These are some of the activities which we cannot skip or avoid. We can help ourselves in these situations by having a plant research have said every indoors needs at least a plant for every 6 Square metres. Some of the plants and very easy to grow and requires very less maintenance. Some of my favourite plants are snake plant, alovera, spider plant, English evy, Peace lily and bamboo. Because these are very easy to grow and also to propagate. 

How to maintain Plants

It's very easy to maintain plant from the store bought or from your own seeds, plants just need right amount of water and little sunlight. which are easily available at least for now? Water the plants only when soil gets dried 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight in a day or you can just place in the most lite area off your house or office.

Healthy Plants

It is important to know your plants are healthy, it is easy to find out if there not the leaves droop the colour of the leaves also turns pale yellow. How to keep the plants healthy? I have a few very easy steps that you can followed once a week. Every time you eat a banana save the banana peel soak it in the water all the night in the morning just use the water to plants. This water provides calcium and potassium to the roots. The second, is my favourite vegetable peel you can use is onions and garlic see their skins till its handful soak it overnight and use the water in morning for plants. This water will contain magnesium, potassium, nitrates and phosphate required for the plants to grow healthy. I’ve been following the steps for quite a while now on a glance having healthy thank you is good yield for both stores bought and seeded plants.

How to Propagate 

Propagating always exciting because you’re multiplying the plants that you already have. My favourite that I propagate all the time is peace lily and snake plant. These both plants have two different methods of propagating peace lily is from roots whereas the snake plant is from the plant itself. First peace lily removal just the plant from the soil use a sharp knife to cut it into half that’s it you had two plants now (I generally cut with at least one bud in each plant). Next is the snake plant this is very easy cut a steam or a leaf cut each of it with 5 cm apart planted in the water for 2 weeks when the roots started to grow you can place them in the soil to grow. 


Potting Proportions

Potting indoor plants

Plants in soil and plants in pots grow differently. Potting plants indoor can be a bit of a challenge for example what kind of pots to use and how to prepare the pots? The key to remember well drain system. I have tried both systems a hole in a pot and using an indoor decorative pot for this both system the layering is the same. First layer of large pebbles of 30mm size (1/4th of pot), second soil (3/4th of pot) last is the third layer is optional to have a decorative pebble of 3mm size (1/2 inch from the top of the pot). This technique of layering is same even for planting in open ground and hole in the pot. For the hole in the pot need to have a collector in case of excess of water flowing out from pot.


Best Material of pots to grow plants in.

Clay or the earthen pots are the best material to be used to grow plants. You get fancy painted pots available in the market may not be as healthy as the plain simple clay pots as the paint restricts the air circulation to roots. The painted once is not bad for the plants they still grow and give you yield. Plain clay pots are more of holistic way of growing plan

How to grow vegetables at home?

Alovera Plant

English Evy

Snake Plant

Spider Plant

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